Create the right balance between private life and work
The work/life balance is the division of our time and focus between working and family or leisure activities.
The balance varies from person to person, depending on our lifestyle, age whether we are single, with a partner or if we have children.
Our preferred work/life balance can change several times during our life.
We often experience that there is a mismatch between what we prefer and what is expected from us from work, family and friends.
To create the perfect work/life balance for you it helps to start by finding out what your needs are, what brings you energy and what makes you happy.
At this workshop we will:
- look at other work cultures at a glance
- define the balance
- talk about the challenges in creating the balance
Outcome of the workshop: An understanding of what you can do to find the balance.
Duration: 2-3 hours
Price: 995 euro excl. vat 22%
Max attendees: 20
Location: at your company