Life crisis

During a lifetime you can find yourself in a period of distress and major adjustment associated with a significant life experience, such as divorce or death of a family member.

Other factors can be losing your job, moving to a new country, becoming a parent, or being in a toxic relationship.

When one of these types of events effects you deeply then it is categorized as a life crisis.

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, famously said: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

I challenge that perception.

I believe that a live crisis can be hurtful and leaves scarfs but having experienced a crisis also makes you wiser on yourself and how well you are capable to emotional survive feeling the bad emotions.

If you find yourself in the middle of a crisis that you can not find the strength to get through, then therapy is a good alternative. 

I help you to work your way through the bad emotions and to acknowledge your own emotional resources.

You don't have to be alone. Call or write to me today to arrange for a free introduction call.


1 x 50 minutes 70 euro

Call to book at +39 328 163 9003

or send me a text on WhatsApp